Some of these problems might just have been solved by combining smart-phones and surveys. LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) has introduced an iPhone application called mappiness that prompts users to tell where they are, what they are doing, with whom and how happy, relaxed and awake they are while doing whatever they were doing. It even asks them to take a picture of what they have directly in front of them. All this data gets collected daily from thousands of users.
I think this is marvellous because it brings answering the survey questions in the middle of the everyday life. Happiness or the lack of it often manifests itself in the small details of everyday life.
The application beeps as many times a day as the user sets it to do so, only inside a time frame set by the user and it only asks for a picture if the user has given it permission to do so. So it should not bother anyone too much and still it creates an amazing set of data that couldn't be collected in any other feasible way.
I've been using the mappiness-application for couple of months now and in my opinion the application is also rewarding to use. When it beeps I automatically reflect on what I'm doing and how happy am I doing that. I find thinking about how happy I am couple of times during the day both pleasant and useful. It also gives me some charts about when I am happiest, with whom I am happiest and a list of things I am happiest or least happy doing. Some of these things were obvious to me before, but some were new information. The little geek in me really likes this scientific approach to figuring out what I should be doing to be happy.
The application also maps (hence the name) where people are happiest. This should eventually provide new knowledge about how green spaces or noise affect happiness. It collects the photos submitted by users into a nice map. Unfortunately at the moment they're only concentrating on collecting data in the UK. It would be great to have this kind of information in a map covering the whole world.
Even though I am very excited about this new approach to studying happiness there are naturally some drawbacks. Here are some that have crossed my mind:
- Iphone users are not representative of the population over all.
- Often I'm really happy in situations when I don't have my phone with me (like hiking, camping).
- Also when a person is extremely unhappy, their first priority is quite unlikely to be attending a happiness survey.
- People are voluntarily uploading the application and thus are already interested in happiness or like taking part in surveys.
- The app has a category for 'Intimacy/making love', but who would answer the questions while having sex? Or even directly after?
The first one can of course be partly solved by providing applications for other smart phones as well, but this will naturally still leave significant part of the population out. But even if the sample is not representative in my opinion this is a ground breaking way to study happiness and will hopefully give some new insights into what makes people happy.
I will follow the project and probably post some further thoughts on it when they have had time to analyse the data. If you want to follow the project more closely, you can do so via their blog.
I will follow the project and probably post some further thoughts on it when they have had time to analyse the data. If you want to follow the project more closely, you can do so via their blog.
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